So, let me get this straight in my mind.
Every politician in the land is PRAISING this vaxxzine to high heaven, they are lining up in droves to get this unproven, UNTESTED, vaxxzine, and THEY are being used as test subjects (read: guinea pigs) for it and don't even know it. But they truly believe our system isn't broken??? People are supposed to believe they have a disease (a TERRIBLE illness, in this case corona) and yet they display NO SYMPTOMS - - but get the vaxxzine anyway? AND THEN THEY HAVE SYMPTOMS because people are reacting to this thing quite a bit. You can read it almost anywhere you find TRUTH on the internet (so be careful what or who you believe).
Are we as a nation completely nutz?????
I can't believe, as a nation, that we are SO STUPID.
But anywhere on the 'net you can find articles explaining that even after you have taken the vaxxzine (if you're as stupid as a CONgressperson!) 1). you still have to mask-up (even at home!!!!), 2). you still have to social distance (whatever good that will do from 6 feet away is beyond me - - do these people even understand how far a sneeze or a cough travels through the air)? And 3). you still have to take at least 3 vaxxzines before "you're safe"???? I doubt if people truly understand all of this. There is no end to this NEW FAKE VIRUS SCARE.
So go ahead and be stupid enough to get yourself loaded up with Billyboy Gates' "experimental vaxxzines" which are specifically designed to "dumb down" our society the rest of the way. Apparently we didn't have far to go. But you're still gonna be under the thumb of the gubmint idiots, not to mention the medical idiots.