My Polka Dot Apron

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December 13, 2020 12:04 am  #1

Lots of great reading here

If the link doesn't work or is "erased", go to to find it.

NO one with even half a working brain should be submitting to this vaxxzine, I don't care what President Trump does or says.  It's simply not safe because it's not tested properly nor is it tested long enough to reach any conclusions.  Personally, I don't trust ANY DRUGS no matter how long they're tested.  I wish more people felt that way, instead of taking each and every pill a doctor throws at them.  Some people don't even know WHY they're taking some of those pills!  It's just astounding the amount of ignorance rampant in the USA.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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