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December 10, 2020 12:26 am  #1

2 broken systems & 1 broken Presidential "suggestion"

The news is playing this up big.  Inflating the numbers beyond belief and now touting the untrialed vaxxzines, which I wouldn't take if they were "trialed" for 30 years or more.  Trump should have stuck to his original guns when he was talking about HCQ - -  to which our illustrious medical fiends have now added (of course) a "medical drug" called A-zith (azithromycin) along with a couple of other things to be taken all together. 

Well, here's my problem with that:  I had no problem with the HCQ but I am highly allergic to Azith so this program wouldn't have worked for me, although I think the HCQ would have been enough on its own, nothing else needed.  But it is a cheap drug, tested and used for over 60+ years so of course we certainly couldn't have that because it was just too convenient, too easy - - and far too cheap for the Rx companies to make billions and billions of dollars.  And that's what's usually behind these schemes.

Check out these two items from Jon Rappaport and you'll see the folly of the proposed vaxxzine idea, and the reality of needing the PROPER PCR test numbers which need to be used, not the inflated numbers pushed by Fauxchee and Friends.

*** I was one of those people who originally thought President Trump was using the vaxxzine idea as a sort of "prop" for his campaign thing, and that he would eventually just say "forget the vax".  But that's NOT what happened.  I'll never understand his reasoning because he has to know that in order to produce a decent, reliable vaxxzine it takes decades.  Like I said before, I wouldn't take the damned thing anyway, and I STILL have no intention of taking one.  I'd rather be shot.


A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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