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November 1, 2020 9:22 pm  #1

Early voting is a scam (so is the 6 ft rule)

THERE IS A LOT OF VOTER REMORSE GOING ON IN AMERICA TODAY.  I hope you weren't one of the people who voted early - - AND THEN CHANGED YOUR MIND.

A few articles I've read said you can actually change your vote, but it's a huge process and most people won't bother.

I think early voting (this year) was a planned arm of the fake corona virus scam. 

See, if you are TOO CHICKEN AND TOO SCARED BY OUR "FAKE FAUCI-FOLLOWING MEDICAL OFFICIALS" (who are Gods, you know) to actually get out of your house and vote in person (I don't know, maybe you're afraid of the sun, or they've feared you into believing the "6 ft apart" crapola) they want you to vote from home, probably for the wrong person (because a LOT MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE CORRUPT BIDEN FAMILY HAS COME OUT JUST IN THE PAST 2 WEEKS) and then it's hell on wheels to back up and vote for the right guy. 

When are people going to FINALLY realize that they must be exposed to something in order to build up their own immunity to it?  If the corona "virus" makes another visit later, more people than ever will be exposed and THAT'S A GOOD THING except for the dumb asses wearing masks and depriving themselves of oxygen.  You HAFTA be exposed to something in order to build immunity, no vaxxine is going to do that for you and I DARE billyboygates & co to say otherwise & prove it.  After a couple of centuries of experience with immunity-building by a few , HONEST PHYSICIANS who aren't afraid to speak out, even though they're constantly being silenced, people are maybe FINALLY getting the correct message, but not if the tv barkers have their way.  All those paid blabbermouths know how to do is spew nonsense for money.  Even the people who should know better, like Howie Kurtz, for instance, who seems to be a BIG FAN of corona virus illnesses and inaccurate counts.  They are mixing deaths with illnesses, etc., and no one knows where these "figures they use" are actually coming from.  They are mixing local USA numbers with worldwide numbers.  THEY HAVE NO FRIGGIN' CLUE.

I don't agree with Trump about this "vaxxines for all" nonsense" (who among us is really and truly interested in a "rushed" vaxxine, much less TWO RUSHED VAXXINES  - -  developed by billyboygates&hispurchasedfriends??) but Trump's most certainly a better choice for our entire country than stupid ass, senile, communist-loving ol' Joe and his criminal family, all of whom should be in jail including a few of his grandkids.  If Biden should accidently get himself elected (and it certainly WOULD be an accident waiting to happen), we're all going to be chinese communists - and just take a quick peek at THEIR record of treatment of their OWN people . . . . .

But that's just my opinion.  You, of course, are free (for now) to believe whatever you want.  If Biden should accidently win (helped by the liar Obozo - I mean really, did you hear some of those whoppers Obozo's been blurting out on the campaign trail???!!! - its hysterical to listen to the goon) our freedoms will become a thing of the past and besides, Biden won't be the President, Comma-la will be the president and I can think of no one worse at this point except maybe whining AOC. 

Please don't fall for the Biden scam-o-rama.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

November 1, 2020 10:01 pm  #2

Re: Early voting is a scam (so is the 6 ft rule)

I would LOVE to see Fauci or any other medical jerk provide ANY information at all which says that staying 6 ft apart does anything to help prevent illnesses of any kind. 

It's completely and utterly ludicrous, but the dimocraps wanted to "test the water" just to see what they could get you to BELIEVE and then DO.  I guess they found out how many numbskulls reside in the USA (with the fake news media pushing them all the way to the finish line on that lie). 

Yesssirrreee, it's just plain ludicrous.  I wonder if any of those "experts" know anything about how far the droplets from a sneeze can travel??  Do you???  Somehow, I doubt it.
THIS IS WHY IT'S MORE IMPORTANT TO KEEP UP THE HEALTH OF YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM THAN IT IS TO WORRY ABOUT HOW FAR "GERMS" CAN TRAVEL.  The truth is, no one really knows for sure.  I read at least 12 articles in the past few weeks about how sneezes can spread "germs" and how far, and they are ALL DIFFERENT.  Imagine that.  Yeah, no one knows.  People need to realize it's more important to stay "immune healthy" and then you don't have to worry about anyone who might sneeze or cough around you.  It really doesn't make one iota of difference if they're sitting next to you or if they're 10 feet away.  It just doesn't matter, guys.

Nor do they understand ANYTHING about the "germs" they blame.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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