My Polka Dot Apron

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September 3, 2020 12:09 am  #1

Why is this happening?

There's gotta be a reason for the overblown numbers in the corona virus BESIDES the press (for the most part) being "all-in" for facemask Biden

I think the FOOD industry has a lot to do with this.  Let's examine it, ok?

Grocery stores are charging absolutely outrageous prices on everything on every shelf.  It's just SHOCKING to finish up at the check-out these days.  It was ALWAYS like that at drugstores, but now it seems to be affecting the food industry in a big way, and you can bet your sweet ass the farmers aren't making one extra dime off this mess.  In fact, around here where I live (mostly cattle country, but west of the river it's flat as a pancake so that's where you'll find the farmers) the grain and meat producers/raisers/growers (call them whatever you want) are going broke trying to keep their machinery up and running, not to mention putting gas in those vehicles.  Astounding.

But this is also affecting all the crummy, pre-made, garbage containing, non-healthy FAST FOODS.  Nothing in those meals even comes CLOSE to being REAL FOOD but the prices are going up and up and up all over town.  For instance, my grandson stayed with us last week for a few days and I promised to treat him to an ice cream treat from McDonald's.  He had a shake and I had a latte - the total cost for those two poison-laden drinks was over $8.  And we ordered the SMALL SIZE.  Can you imagine what it must cost (now) to feed a family with 2 adults and 7 kids (like my son's family, for instance) even at a McDonald's these days?? 

People (a lot of people) are without jobs, without much income, have children and rent and car payments and insurance payments, etc., etc., etc., just like always.  Yet, they're all expected to pay HIGHER PRICES FOR EVERYTHING????

This is just pure insanity.


And then there's this:

Well you can rest easy now because if we can actually get people to believe the real statistics which I posted here just yesterday I believe, the numbers of corona cases are just astoundingly low compared to what the democrap states and gubners would have you/want you to believe.  They are playing this to the hilt.

They want you to think the entire USA is in the hospital and dying from this "deadly disease".  Ha.  What a crock of crap.  2 weeks ago I had to take my husband to the ER in the middle of the dang night because he had a nosebleed that just wouldn't quit.  There was 1 other person in the entire ER and that person had had a heart attack.

This area hospital serves a very large area, seeing as how there are smaller towns all around us (some with and some without hospitals) but most of the patients end up here anyway, it seems.  This state was never closed down thanks to our gubner (for once) although many businesses were scared shitless and shuttered their doors when they wouldn't have had to do so.  Now they're whining because they're going broke and cannot re-open.  Too bad, so sad.  If people would have just followed their instincts in the first place, NONE of this nonsense would have grown any legs at all.

Think about all of that.  This whole "everyone on high alert" crap is about MONEY MONEY MONEY.

Now they want us to have doctor visits ONLINE????? HOW STUPID IS THAT?  Exactly HOW does a doctor perform, say, a vaginal exam online????  And they wonder why people are dying . . . . . . . . from stupidity, that's why.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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