I'd say this writer doesn't support Trump, but I've been wrong before.
Now I know why I don't read at the WA Examiner very often unless I happen to follow a link that takes me there. It's also why I've unsubscribed to their emails a long time ago. They do have a way of putting their own opinion and slant on everything they write. Instead of giving an unbiased look at what REALLY happened during President Trump's speech to the nation, they gave it their own little bit of frosting and even added a couple berries, for good measure.
Please tell me this dopey writer doesn't really want Biden at the helm? Cuz you know Biden doesn't have what it takes and will be appointing his VP for all the presidential duties right after he's elected. You know it. I know it. The guy actually thought (and said) that he thought he was at the DEMOCRAP convention!!! Oh yeah, he's a winner all right.