The "rioters" (aka "peaceful protesters") are creating havoc and having fun doing it. They are now in the business of killing people, or themselves, it seems. They are literally out of their minds. They are ANGRY and demented. And now, thanks to the democraps (once again) we have no police to protect us.
So, exactly how are we going to bring these demented people back to reality?? They are obviously living in an alternate world right now because their rage is completely out of control. How are democraps (who encouraged ALL of this even though they'll deny that) going to "fix these kids' minds"? I don't think it's possible. The democraps have created animals, rampaging animals. Are the democraps going to pay to "fix" these broken minds and broken people????
You can bet your gramma's garter they have no intention of helping anyone. They had no problem stirring this up (Piglosi, Schoooomer, et al) but now they're bowing out of getting it stopped. Imagine that, they're ducking their duty. And it's so totally out of hand now I'm not sure it can be stopped.
And the democraps ACTUALLY THINK they're going to win this election?? ARE THEY CRAZY???!!!!!!!