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August 10, 2020 1:28 am  #1

Please tell me you don't agree with #3

These are all fine and well, but we must get Trump to change his mind about supporting a stupid bit of legislation like his "suggestion #3".  That is just plain stupid talk. The LAST THING America needs is more drug research that proves to be more harmful than helpful, doesn't he see that??

If people were truly being "helped" by the already massive amount of drugs on the market, why are we making more of them?  We aren't getting better but neither are the drugs.  People are getting sicker from the drugs, and then they're supposed to take ANOTHER drug to fix whatever the first one messed up.  That's just not logical and it makes no sense. 

We need to start expanding ALTERNATIVES to drugs, not expanding the useless, dangerous drug market we already have, not to mention the pirates they've become.  They have no liability for anything that goes wrong - - so tell me, HOW ON EARTH do they get away with that kind of stuff?  You know how.  They PAY off everyone in their path. 

I used to work at a clinic and it's just plain sickening to hear the drug reps bragging about "their company drugs".  They know better than that. 

YOU MUST REMEMBER, drugs don't "cure" anything (there really is no such thing).  They don't even really mitigate anything for very long if at all.  The drug companies WANT you to believe that, though, in the worst way - because they WANT YOUR MONEY.  And they LIE to get it.  On top of that, they're protected from all liability which sets them basically free to do whatever they wish. 

Boy that must be a nice way to do business.

Nope, I simply don't and won't ever agree with President Trump on this one and I'm not alone.  You'd be surprised to know how many people agree with me on this - - it could, quite possibly - cost him re-election.

He really should think it over very carefully.  Some say he has stock in the drug companies.  If that's true, the rest of what he claims to stand for in terms of "making america great" doesn't mean diddly shit.

If that section is not re-thought and removed from his platform by November, there will be a large group of people who do not bother to show up at the voting booth. 

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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