No, Gates and Fauci are our worst nightmares. Gates is, of course, now coming out with his proclamation of needing "more than one vaccine" for this dreaded disease, even though most people are NOT testing positive for it (don't believe the numbers you see from doctors, hospitals, or any "scientists" either). You see, the tests don't really matter, how many WAYS do I have to try to say this?? These people are going to do whatever they want to do regardless.
Hell, they INVENTED the testing so why on earth should anyone rely on test results for "proof" of anything????
Well, imagine THAT. MULTIPLE vaccines will be needed - - who the hell woulda guessed it?!! I did. A long time ago because this was the whole starting point of the scare and the next point is the changing of our entire way of life in America as we knew it just this past December. No jobs - - so we all need gubmint money and gubmint "cards", implanted tracking chips (which are IN the vaccines, don't kid yourself that they're not), bicycles for all - no cars in the future and thus no gas (alas no fumes or "air pollution" so they say), no freedoms of any kind for the citizenry . . . I mean, the list is endless.
Go online and watch John Anthony's presentation of Agenda 21 and you'll at least MAYBE get a clue. It's not a short presentation so don't think you can "get the drift" in 10 minutes or anything as foolish as that. Mr. Anthony has probably been studying this FOR YEARS in order to put the pieces together so he can warn us, but too many didn't pay attention at the time and aren't paying attention now either. They're too busy fighting, tearing up the streets, aborting healthy babies, etc. ANYTHING to wreck America.
Get a clue folks.