Our broken allopathic system had lots of help getting that way.
Bill Gates and his wife are just two of many, but they are responsible for a LOT of deaths already (their goal, of course, is just that). They call it depopulation. I don't care what they call it, as far as I'm concerned it's out and out murder. They picked on these poor African and Indian (and other) countries who have no way to fight back.
"For over twenty years Bill Gates and his Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) have been vaccinating foremost children by the millions in remote areas of poor countries, mostly Africa and Asia. Most of their vaccination program had disastrous results, causing the very illness (polio,[/url] for example in India) and sterilizing young women ([url= ]Kenya, with modified tetanus vaccines). Many of the children died. Many of the programs were carried out with the backing of the WHO and – yes – the UN Agency responsible for the Protection of Children, UNICEF."
I remember those stupid UNICEF cans sitting all over the place not too many years ago. It was as aggravating to see them as it was to see all of the madness sparked by the March of Dimes, which was NOTHING BUT A SCAM.
The "sterilization" part of those vaccines was an added bonus for Gates and his "depopulation cult followers".
ALL of these medical things turn out to be scams. So WHY are we believing idiots like Gates and Fauci about something as far-reachingly devastating to our population as the SCAM OF COVID and the scam to follow (vaccines) and this unrelenting "wearing of masks and social distancing" NONSENSE?? Our other politicians are following him, for some odd reason (there's gotta be money in it, that's the only thing that makes sense where these people are concerned, because they could care less about YOU or your health).
I certainly hope Kennedy has enough pull (and contacts of importance!!!) to get this accomplished. Maybe we could make Gates submit himself and his family to his own concocted poisonous vaccine soup. That would be JUSTICE FOR ALL, wouldn't it? Heh.......