They are busy working on more "treatment centers" instead of actually trying to put all of the ALREADY EXISTING PIECES OF THE PUZZLE together properly. They know what causes autism, but they're making SOOOOO much money off this "disease" they don't dare stop now. Many people actually don't believe autism even truly exists - - they think it's an off-shoot of a combination of other "diseases". And they could be right, too.
This affects children mostly, although it's beginning to seep into the young adult population, who were kids until just recently - - see how that works?? Up the ladder we go.
The cost of all this is about more than just money, and as you read that becomes obvious. But not to the medical/fake "psychiatry" industry. It'll always be about money to them.
*** I wish I could get more people to watch the video called Marketing of Madness. It's probably hidden by now, and I don't know of anywhere besides youtube that it can be viewed. It's 3 hours long (they keep adding more and newer information to it so it keeps getting longer!) but that's a good thing, IMPO. Drugs really and truly help no one. In a few medical situations they are handy as far as pain control during surgery, and keeping people "under" and that sort of thing but beyond that, pretty much useless to the human body, doing always more harm than good.