I don't agree with absolutely every word he says, and at first I could not believe my eyes when I saw the title to this article. But the more I read it the more I thought 'you know, this is pretty much all true and he may just be onto something here'. HOWEVER, I do not agree with their statements on marijuana, especially when it's being used as 'medical marijuana' which is a whole different animal than the cocaine soaked grass used by most hard-core druggies. TOTALLY DIFFERENT THING. Besides, medical marijuana is just breaking ground and there are many more studies which need to be undertaken before anyone knows the full capacity of this stuff. It has many, many uses and functions, and I believe it should be given a chance. It doesn't HAVE to be smoked to be utilized by humans - - that's an antiquated idea.
BUT - after all, NOTHING ELSE we've tried in the past 70+ years has made a bit of difference, and it's created many a criminal (some are in jail who are really not even criminals, but that's another story).
Treatment programs are a joke, and are mostly set up only to make money for the BIGGEST criminal cartel in the world (our very own gubmint) so it might just be worth trying.
Let people DO whatever they're going to do, but we must deny them medical help if they overdose - - that's their own problem (if they're too stupid to know when enough is enough, etc) they should pay for their mistakes, even if it costs them their lives. Stupid is as stupid does, so they say.
Anyway, give this is thorough read and see what you think. Please keep an open mind and consider ALL ANGLES before deciding how you truly feel about all of this, that's what I did. I recommend doing that!
I'm going to post a quote from the article first and then the link will be below that.
"Last October, the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC), a global coalition of 170 nongovernmental organizations working on drug policy issues, released a report that highlighted the “spectacular” failure and global increase in violence that has been caused by the war on drugs. Instead of curbing the problem, “consumption and illegal trafficking of drugs have reached record levels,” Helen Clark, former prime minister of New Zealand and a member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, wrote in the document’s foreword."