Read this article, which will help put some of the pieces of this puzzle together.
It would appear that little weasel Fauci KNEW this corona thing was going to be released. PUT THE LITTLE BASTARD IN JAIL.
In a couple of vid's I've seen with clips of him speaking way back in 2016 and 2017, he says outright that at some point in time there will be an outbreak of some sort. HE KNEW there would be because the little creep was in the process of helping to plan it, if you ask me. No one did ask me, of course, but that's my opinion, nonetheless. I can't stand that little creep and I WISH Trump would get rid of him from his current position and have him followed day and night 24/7/365 to monitor his activities. It's the ONLY way we're ever going to find out the truth about the mealy mouthed liar.
There are even vid's with him featured back in the early 1980s talking about a "super-illness". It's incredible that no one caught on and that no one from the MEDICAL FIELD caught onto his scammy ways. He's been nothing but trouble for this country because since he's in politics just far enough to find out things, he has discovered what he can get away with and what he needs to do to protect himself from prosecution. For instance, in this article it mentions how he moved his "operation on corona virus" to Wuhan, China because someone got onto him and he didn't like that. He can avoid all manner of punishment by simply going elsewhere and to me, there's just something about that whole thing that stinks to high heaven. Jail the little bastard.
Good reading here:
Of course there's a vaccine because Fauci and Gates have been working on one for some time now. I wouldn't take one anyhow, but if they're ever made mandatory, someone is going to get hurt over this idea. No one should be able to FORCE vaccinations on anyone else, I don't care how much money gates has. Fauci does his nearly criminal research while he's serving in OUR POLITICAL sphere. What a damned crook. This whole "corona crap thing" has been in the works for some time now. And NOW IT'S TIME TO PUT A HALT TO IT and start getting the truth out of the people responsible, since we KNOW WHO THEY ARE.