There IS no good reason why we shouldn't - - - except the unverified ramblings of the leftist media mouths. We've known for decades that HCQ is a good drug (if there is such a thing) and this article also mentions a few "supplements" we could be taking, as well.
I prefer to stick to straight "supplements only treatment" because I'm allergic to so many prescribed as well as OTC drugs, but whatever rings your bell.
But don't believe the fear-mongering leftists who don't want people to know the truth. And THAT'S the truth.
They've made up all kinds of stories about "Trump recommends drinking Lysol" yada yada yada for months already, and anyone with even one working brain cell knows that's a lie from the get-go. No one in their right mind would drink Lysol or Clorox or any of the other stuff the leftists made up in their frenzy to trash Trump.
I hope they get their asses kicked in this upcoming election, because I don't know about you but I do NOT want this country in the hands of Biden or any of his cohorts. He can't even think straight long enough to pick a running mate! Yeah, he's a daft old geezer by any measure. I don't want him for dog catcher, much less the ruler of our nation and making important decisions for me (or you). He's just not up for it because it's a fast-paced game and he's in the slow lane.