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It doesn't matter how many times it's been proven that people don't really NEED a vaccine for this supposed "corona" "virus" . . . if billyboygates and all his money and medical connections can possibly do it, they're going to make sure the entire WORLD is vaccinated. The results, as already shown in MANY, MANY, MANY cases, can be devastating.
But, you know, never mind that. Never mind the statistics (then what are they for?). Never mind the dead people from the vaccine, let's just look at the SICK people instead. The statistics are most often dead wrong, and mostly lies, to boot. You really should listen to the 28 minute vid of Dr. Mikovits. It's a winner. I've ordered her book, too.
The worst part of this is the American people (foreign countries seem to have no choice) are such ninnies, they are falling for all the hype from Gates et al. The man is NOT a doctor, he's NOT a medical researcher, he's NOT anything at all medical. But the rest of us are supposed to fall upon his every word as if it were the gospel itself.
Not me, man. No matter what it takes, not me.
Here's a quote from a good article this morning at Jon Rappoport's site:
"Of course, some planners will still want a federal order mandating the vaccine for EVERYONE. They want, first and foremost, a police state. They'll do everything they can to cook, fake, and inflate case numbers and death numbers to attain their objective. Bill Gates and his minions definitely want to fake case numbers. One reason? When "adverse events" from the vaccine start piling up, they'll need to label this horrific human wreckage "cases caused by the epidemic COVID virus."
The president of the United States, whoever he is, will say, "We're keeping a careful eye on reports and updates about the success of the vaccine, and new coronavirus cases. So far, we see no reason to issue a federal emergency order making the vaccine mandatory for everyone. We hope that will not change in the coming weeks and months. Contact tracing and testing are absolutely necessary..."
The underlying message is clear: If you want the right to refuse the shot, cooperate completely with contact tracing and get tested...and then we'll see."
Yes, we'll see alright, it'll just be too late to do anything about it. We've already got a police state, and unless something is done - - AND SOON - - this will become another civil war. I guarandamnedtee it.
And here's another great one from Jon:
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