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May 20, 2020 4:41 am  #1

Are mandated vaccines coming?

They're already here.  They've been here since the 1940's and 1950's if you will recall.

See here:

"Since 2014, children have been receiving 69 doses of 16 inoculations starting the day they are born. Many doctors and parents question the need for them all.

Even chickenpox makes the required list in all states, though before development of the money-making vaccine, the only way chickenpox made TV ratings was on PBS Kids where government downplayed this common childhood malady. (On Caillou, the four-year-old’s mom told him, “They’re just little itchy spots. Nothing to worry about.” And on Arthur, the main character recovered in a few days, enjoying extra attention he got in the meantime.) Now CDC says chickenpox is dangerous “even in healthy children,” and vaccine sales are booming thanks to a government mandate. Cha-ching!

The agency is far less vocal about the officially reported 4,000 serious adverse events and 200 deaths associated with the chickenpox vaccine since its introduction, most cases involving children under six. News such as that spoils the party line that vaccines are safe — the inevitable response to skeptics.

The reality is that, like all pharmaceutical medications, vaccines can cause harm and even death. For instance, the whole-cell pertussis vaccine was axed in the 1990s because it inflicted severe permanent brain damage. Health officials pulled the Rotashield rotavirus vaccine only one year after FDA approval because of so many severe reactions in children, including the death of an infant. Another blot on the record is LYMErix, a vaccine for Lyme disease, which lasted less than four years before class-action lawsuits linking it to rheumatoid arthritis forced it off the market."

You really hafta read the entire article to appreciate the terrifying aspects of this atrocious idea.  No wonder so many people are becoming interested in homeschooling these days.  It is the SCHOOLS that started this mess and now REQUIRE the damned things.  Yeah, they CARE, right?

Billyboygates and wife are determined to make it happen, except NOT to their kiddo's.  No way, Jose.  Not. Gonna. Happen. Says. Bill.

Two standards in America, as usual.  But this is just too much.


A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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