If our gubmint actually thinks that $4,000 is going to sway anyone's opinion about "tax reform" I've got news for them. No one gives a red rat's ass about $4,000.
It's nothing.
It means nothing to most american households because most of the american people will have to take that measley $4,000 and use it to pay an outstanding bill. Why don't they attack bigger problems, like rising gas prices, rising power/electric/natural gas prices, rising food prices, rising clothing prices, rising EVERYTHING prices? Do they even know what it costs to get one lousy tooth pulled?? Do they care? Hardly.
I think some of these overprotected senators and representatives oughta hafta live in REAL life for a while before they start setting rules and guidelines for the rest of us. Most of them don't know straight up.
The only people who are going to gain anything from this so-called $4,000 "increase" is our very own gubmint, who will eventually get it back - in spades - because people hafta pay bills. The only other people who MIGHT benefit from this is the doctors, hospitals, and clinics around the world because people will hafta use this "increase" to pay outstanding medical bills. These people KNOW everyone will qualify for that "tax increase" so they're already poised to take it away from the people who need it most.
I don't call what it's going to do "an increase or a benefit" in the least.
Yep, starts out at $695 and goes up every stinkin' year. THAT'S where this "extra" $4,000 per household is going to land, eventually, from all non-insured households - and that even applies to people who have tried to get insurance but cannot. Why does the gubmint think it has the right to tell people what they do or don't need in their lives??
Oh great. Now lyin' Ryan is on the tube telling everyone how elated he is with the $1,182.00 (or some similar nonsense number) that American people are going to be receiving back as a part of their tax returns.
Yep, he's an idiot. For all the reasons I stated in my post above, this money won't mean JackSCHITT to anyone. It will not help anyone, it will not benefit anyone - except the gubmint because it will all go back to them in the form of taxes and fees they've dreamt up over the past 250 years.
As far as I'm concerned, they can keep our lousy thousand dollars and stuff it up their butts.