My Polka Dot Apron

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April 24, 2020 8:52 pm  #1

Postponing the election?? Who said that?

Uh. . . Joe? 

Hello?  Hey, Joe??  Can you hear me???

Uh , , , , , I think it was the democrats who were already talking about putting off the elections in November, because it sure wasn't President Trump saying that. 

WHERE do these people get their audacity??  Something that's on record but they keep repeating opposite, lying, stories about the same topic.  Unbelievable.  Do they think we're all as stupid as they are??  President Trump has spoken about "mail-in" voting fraud, but never about actually postponing the election.  We have a while to go before November and Trump will have the country reopened by then because there's no reason not to do so,  A fake virus, cooked up by China and the democraps is NOT going to cancel or postpone the elections.  People are onto that little scheme already, in case Mr. Biden has his head up his derriere too far to realize it.


A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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