This article was written on January 8, 2020 - - BEFORE the "corona" nonsense started hitting the airwaves.
To me, this shows that there are many areas where the global medical industrial complex has lied to us over the course of many, many, many years.
It just seems a damned shame that people are willing to blame current medical hysteria on President Trump, when clearly he is nowhere near to being the "cause" of anything.
PLEASE watch the 6+ minutes of video for some very very important numbers that will astound even the people who are very "adoring" of the medical system and talk about "my doctor this, and my doctor that". What crap. But please watch it. VERY IMPORTANT STUFF.
I've been a victim and first-hand witness to this medical mafia crap - last year when I was in the hospital after a very slight stroke (at least that's what they THINK it was), the attending "doctor"/hospitalist would NOT let me go home even though I was very much well enough to go, until and unless I took their "statin" drug. So I took it for 1 day until I was released the following day, got home and threw the bottle of pills into the trash and never looked back. Had a LOOOONNNG talk with my pharmacist and she basically said "good for you"!
YOUR doctor and the entire system of medicine today is KILLING you, in one way or another. This latest corona virus crap is just another arm of that system, because it's opened the door for Bill Gates to push his vaccines on the entire population (or be in real trouble if you refuse) no matter how sick that sounds. Not everyone even SHOULD take vaccines (for various other "medical reasons") but it won't matter to Bill as long as he gets his money. What a CREEP.