" . . . during the last week of January, Fauci, as The Hill headlined its article on January 26, said the coronavirus “isn't something the American public need to worry about.”
Five days later, President Trump famously decided, as CNN reported, “to ban foreign nationals who had been in China within the previous 14 days from entering the United States.”
At the time, the president’s bold actions to prevent the introduction of Covid-19 into the country by travelers from infected areas were criticized by former Vice President Joe Biden and most other Democrats and the media as “xenophobic” and “racist.”
That's because at the time this all happened, the democraps hadn't yet put their "plan to take over" together, much less into action. But as soon as a few talking heads got together and cooked up this whole coronavirus crap, things started to change rapidly. MANY of us were suspicious as to the timing, but it seems no one in the MEDIA was suspicious - - at least not enough to look into the particulars. And THAT'S where America fails most of the time. We should NEVER listen to what the media tells us about anything, much less about a directive of any kind.
If we don't hear it directly from President Trump himself, it's not to be believed. The democrap media is a bunch of cringing liars, who never take back their lies, they just turn them into a DIFFERENT STORY. Like this coronavirus nonsense. A prime example if you ask me.
Yes sir, it's PAST time to get rid of that little lying weasel Fauci and ALLLLLLL of his cohorts.
"The occasion is this fake pandemic; the big hammer is the vaccine against the phony COVID.
As Fauci mentioned a couple of months ago, it could be a DNA vaccine---new technology---which means it is really gene therapy. Synthesized genes are injected into the body. They purportedly set up immunity. Actually, they PERMANENTLY alter the genetic makeup of the recipient."
Yep, a brave new world, all right. A STUPID brave new world because vaccines contain crap that will only dumb people down. That's why the medical profession wants to start giving shots to babies right after they're born (HIB or HIV or whichever one it is by now - it's on that starts with an "H" I remember that much). This is all the plan of billyboy gates and his scheming wife.
This is kinda long to read, but worth your time if anything ever was.