People like billyboy gates think vaccines are the answer to everything. Of course, the man does NOT understand how a vaccine works. At least if he does, he's not being sensible about it, he's into the money-grubbing game.
We (and I'm talking all of mankind here) better hope there is NEVER a purported vaccine to "help" with this virus. It will do far more harm than good, as do most vaccines. Only the criminals like the BIGPHRMA companies and Gates think those things are the answer.
Check out this quote from the latest article of Bill Sardi, one of the few voices of reason these days. Link follows the quote.
"Look at Britain
Look at Britain where health officials presumed only a small number of people were at risk for hospitalization and an even smaller number would die, and quickly began screening blood tests for coronavirus antibodies, to confirm their projections. (The US weakly began testing for the presence of the COVID-19 virus, not the antibodies.).
If few people tested positive then the worst of the epidemic lay ahead. But they determined by March 19 an estimated 68% of Britons must have been infected and had already developed antibodies. Even if a vaccine were available, it would only be problematic at that point. Infection and transmission was seen as a positive, rather than some fear-evoking crisis.Britain is also issuing “immunity passports” to people who already contracted COVID-19 to allow them to travel and return to a normal life.
In the UK schools, restaurants, theatres remained open and only high-risk individuals (the elderly) were advised to stay at home. Britain eventually reversed its “herd immunity” policy, but it was too late, the people had developed immunity. Even the most efficient vaccination program relies on so-called “herd immunity” as a 100% vaccination rate is beyond practicality. Health authorities talk about building up herd immunity with vaccines, so why is this different, doing it naturally?
What are we left to conclude?
So, is the CDC attempting to keep the masses vulnerable to COVID-19 so they must be rescued by some future vaccine that many biotech companies are racing to develop?"