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March 29, 2020 2:05 am  #1

Now, the irony of THIS is hilarious

This is the all-time weirdest headline I've seen in the past few days, without question.

What in the sam hell do we need a border wall for, now??  Hells bells, Mexico is working hard to keep americans out of their country!  Imagine that. THEY ARE NOW THE ONES WHO WANT TO PATROL THEIR OWN BORDERS!!

We could build more of the wall later if need be, but we need that money NOW for different priorities in America.  Many Americans are broke, or soon will be, thanks to the walling up of our population and the complete flattening of the job market - - and that's going to get worse as time goes on, because of the fear-mongering about this virus.  NOT EVERYONE CAN WORK FROM HOME.  When is this fact going to penetrate the hard heads of some people????

So, there is now a reversal in the "feelings" towards "Mexican immigrations" - - depending on which sect of people we're talking about and which way they're coming from and which way they're headed.  Mexico is now in the process of keeping American Citizens OUT OF mexico so they (the Mexican population) won't be "infected" with this ridiculous virus, never mind that we Americans have no clue what sort of illnesses the millions of Mexican immigrants, who more or less broke into our country, have brought to America with them, recently. 

Now that's funny.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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