. . . also sells DRUGS, VACCINES and FEAR. Of those three, fear is the biggest one to sell, in order to be able to whorishly sell the first two mentioned. Enter the news cycles, who have clamped onto this story as life support for their stations WHILE also reporting the political crapola going on now. It's shameful. Hopefully most Americans aren't too stuuuuupid to see through this "staged" crapola on a stick.
I don't know about you, but I'm about sick to death of hearing about this thing. They don't even KNOW FOR SURE whether or not it's an actual *virus* but they're selling it as one, wholesale. They should be totally and utterly ashamed, but they won't be.
It's a money-maker. THAT'S the whole point.
Selling hysteria. He is SOOOO right.
The CDC is busy as hell selling it, as well. Imagine such a thing~!! Who should we arrest first?
The reason the "test kits" are not available is because President Trump did not panic and follow the mind-set of the idiots promoting a non-viral, non-existent DISEASE. IMPO, there is no such thing as corona virus - - it was a made-up thing designed to scare the pants off of everyone AND make money for the medical industrial complex (the CDC comes up with these stupid, half-baked ideas EVERY SINGLE WINTER). You'd think the rest of the world would catch on, but instead they get money LOTS OF IT for buying into this ridiculous theory.
AND the usa is the worst offender, usually.
At least this year we have someone with with COMMON SENSE AND A WORKING BRAIN IN THE WHITE HOUSE. SHit, we haven't had that for 30 years, so we're just not used to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The citizens of the USA don't even know how to act or react to someone with a BRAIN. Imagine that.
From today's column by Jon Rappoport @ (link below).
"I propose a simple trial. From a hundred people, tiny samples of tissue will be removed—the standard first step. Without knowing who these patients are, or whether they are ill, the test professionals will run the samples through their PCR, and then, with the results in hand, they will report a) which viruses they found, and b) how much virus. In those instances where they found a large amount of virus, the patients should be ill. Are they?
Let’s find out.
Let’s find out what “a case of coronavirus” really means or doesn’t mean.The burden of proving the test is reliable falls on the people who are using it, reporting case numbers based on it, and changing the shape of society as a result of it. They should have performed the experiment I propose decades ago. Ten times. Fifty times. A hundred times.I see no evidence that they have.
Therefore, the test falls into the realm of SUPERSTITION."
WHAT WOULD THE "REAL SCIENCE" LOOK LIKE FOR corona virus, if it actually existed?
It doesn't, but here's a wild-ass guess. And a dang good guess it is, too. Thanks Jon!