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February 28, 2020 2:34 am  #1

Deep State is worse than you think

I can scarcely believe that someone with the smarts and intelligence of Devin Nunes came out of the wretched state of CALIFORNIA.  That state spawned idiots like Adam Schiff, Nancy Piglosi, Gavin Newsome, Jerry Brown - - OMG the list goes on and on and on forever. 

But Devin is in a class of his own - - he ACTUALLY cares what happens to America.  The others I mentioned are hell bent on tearing America down and/or apart.  Those people all want illegal immigration like crazy because they think it will produce votes for them.  I think they might be shocked to learn that not all of those people are going to support the idiot fringe on the left.  But just try telling that to THOSE Leftards.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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