My Polka Dot Apron

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January 31, 2020 9:48 pm  #1

Don't be too dismissive

I've said this before, many times around the 'net, and I'll say it again . . . we should NEVER count our chickens before they hatch.  We should NEVER get too over-confident and think WE know what will happen with American politics because the truth is - - we don't know.

If this little jerk-face gets himself elected (and there are a LOT of fringe/closet voters out there) we'll all be saluting and bowing all day every day.  Yeah, he promises all kinds of "free stuff" but we all know that nothing is free (which is why Medicare ads today scare the hell out of me). 

Please go and vote at every election you are districted to participate in, regionally, and nationally.  We cannot let President Trump think he's got this in the bag because he may not have any such thing.  Stay vigilant and vote when the time comes.  Never shirk the duty of voting while we still can  . . .


"I know, most of you are probably in agreement with me that a Sanders nomination would practically guarantee President Trump’s re-election. I do, however, always get nervous whenever a candidate with consistent fundraising power just hangs around. It’s best not to get too cocky when the one who may blindside you is from a fringe that would unravel the fabric of the Republic.

It’s very telling that Sanders is so far left that even 2020 Democrats think he’s out there[/url]. Our very own [url=]VodkaPundit chronicled the agita[/url] that Bernie gives the Dem establishment.Sanders has now [url=]given us a glimpse of what a nightmare he would be if given the reins to the executive branch.

Bernie’s fascist, authoritarian bent is, of course, part and parcel of the commie way he so fancies. He will need to get everything done via executive action because most of America won’t be encouraging their representatives to travel down his path.

What’s most disturbing is Sanders’ dismissiveness of the legislative branch. It’s as if he wants it gone entirely, which is not unusual for those leaning to the commie side of things.

He doesn’t want to be President Sanders, he wants to be Supreme Leader Sanders.

And he’s getting a little too close to making it happen."

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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