It would seem to me that we should start looking for ways to identify "inflammation" and stop looking for all the things it COULD cause. That's like chasing rainbows. But hey, it keeps the medical industry in business, right? NOT finding the answer is their goal, if you ask me. There's just no money for them in finding answers to anything. If something is "cured" then their money train is derailed - - shut down, right?
Uh, yup.
I've already lost two sisters and one brother to "the system" who basically used them as guinea pigs by telling them that MODERN MEDICINE will help them, which it cannot do. No way. The thing it can do is kill them. Ditto for chemotherapy et al. There are many other better things people could be doing for themselves if they weren't too lazy to look up self-help information and start doing it. Not as easy as taking a pill though . . .