This stuff is the best for fighting off germs. No vax necessary when you have this stuff around your house. Sprinkle some on a kleenex so your kids can take it with them to school and sniff it once in a while. Also, you can put it into a spray bottle with a little Everclear or other alcohol base and spray it on hands to kill even the nastiest germs you'll find in a school. Kids can use it at recess if the teacher won't let them use it any other time (and lots of them won't). Be prepared for the authoritarian attitude of teachers nowadays because it's there for all to see.
Kids probably need this stuff worse than adults. Being exposed to some germs is fine but too many will overwhelm the system and then the body gives in and gets sick - - or worse. There's a whole lot more crap going around nowadays than there used to be, so be prepared.
** There are cheaper outlets for these oils, but be sure that what you are getting is pure essential oil, not mostly watery bases with only slightly scented filler oils.
DIY body spray. I make mine with my own blend of 4 Thieves oil and cover all the bases for killing germs.
You can use either Everclear, vodka or witch hazel as a base for these sprays. Some of the scent suggestions they give in the article below are ok but some are just overwhelmingly "old lady" smells. Ewww. It's best to find your own favorite as you go along.
My personal favorite is sandalwood and spearmint. Sandalwood oil is terribly expensive, however, so I've started mixing spearmint with evergreen or balsam or cedar oil. Some cedar oils are very "dark" smelling, so be sure to test them before you buy. I also like sweet orange mixed with lemon oil for summertime use, but it's good year 'round, too. Gives a lift in the winter months!
** I buy the little cheap plastic spray bottles at the drug store and mix up just a couple of ounces at a time and these are great for kids to carry in their pockets. The hard part is getting them to remember to use them! Essential oils are great for killing even the nastiest of germs. Check out the 4 thieves recipe above and then look up the story of 4 Thieves. Also, remember the bible Christmas story concerning frankincense and myrrh. There was a reason for those things!
Last edited by Debrah (September 14, 2019 8:50 pm)