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August 20, 2019 2:02 am  #1

"Something going on over at FOX network"

I agree with PDJT on this issue.  In fact, I've thought that ever since I first saw Juan Willams on that talk show (the Five or whatever it's called) and then to bring on Donna Brazile!!??!!  As if Shepard Smith isn't bad enough to begin ollow a few publications online and that's about it.  I'm too busy to watch that crap on tv and I really don't care what they have to say because tomorrow it will be something entirely different and the story will go from something good to something bad, or vice versa.  I got tired of it in January and just quit going to those channels.

Everyone should stop watching those.  When I was last viewing at FOX, Hannity was the only real Trump supporter.  The rest were all very wishy washy (like Tucker was for a while) and I don't know where any of them stand now and I don't care either.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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