My Polka Dot Apron

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August 20, 2019 1:21 am  #1

Do you know why "fake food" is heavily advertised and pushed on us?

Fake food, fast food - - - whatever you want to call it (and this includes, as far as I'm concerned, vegan and vegetarian food, as well) is popular everywhere these days.  Home prepared meals have become a thing of the past, and now fast foods are part of our busy lifestyles, and that is very sad because those fake foods do not contain the vitamins and minerals people's bodies need to operate at top levels.

THAT'S WHY FAST FOODS ARE SO POPULAR WITH THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY.  Heck, our hospital even has a whole line-up of fake food fast food places in the lobby, can you believe that?   Subway, Taco John's, Hardee's, some pizza place that I can't remember the name of, etc.  THIS is how they promote illness, rather than wellness.

When I was recently in the hospital, I LIVED on tomato soup, water and crackers because it was the safest thing on their menu without delving into fake meats and the worst of our food industry offerings.  I was shocked, to say the least.

This is my opinion.  I don't care if people agree with me or not, but I see it as being very honest and truthful, which is something few people want to deal with nowadays.  Honesty is a thing of the past.  In fact now, the bigger lies people can get away with telling successfully, the more money they make.  Odd how this works, huh? 

Grow your own food if possible, and if not, buy the best you can find in your area from health food stores or local farmers and ranchers, etc.  The prices, anymore, aren't that different.  Has anyone actually paid attention to the price of fast food lately?   Astounding what they get for a patti of something that no one is really sure what it's made from, but it sure doesn't look like meat - - mcdonalds hamburger patties are gray, of all things.  I don't know of any gray meat right off hand. 

Stop supporting those places, take care of your health by purchasing vitamins from reputable sources (never amazon, etc) and take them daily (I won't be without my D3, K2, Magnesium, and my B vitamins.  B12 should always be in the form of methylcobalamin, never cyanocobalamin.  Those are the main ones.  Use fresh herbs as much as possible to flavor your foods, but dried are ok as long as they aren't irradiated.

Check on all this stuff and try it out.  Betcha you'll feel better in no time.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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