Grain was introduced by the human and animal medical quacks because they are making a profit off of pushing grains. Who isn't, these days?
No, dogs DO NOT NEED Grain. Ever. Dogs and wolves and coyotes, etc., are closely related and structured. Do you see wolves eating in the cornfields, or in the wheat fields, etc? Of course not! Why would they? They would wipe out the crops of 3/4th of the farm communities if that were the case.
I really can't believe people actually bought into all this grain filled dog food crap. I spent, literally now, over 4 hours doing research before I found even one article to support a grain free diet. It's amazing how the industry has brainwashed people into such a ridiculous belief and how they work soooooo hard to bury the truth.
ALSO - - many of the diseases and symptoms listed in this article can ALSO BE CAUSED FROM THOSE AWFUL AND GROSS VACCINATIONS THE VETS ARE PUSHING FOR ANIMALS, as well. The vets are really trying hard to hide from the real facts, aren't they?
If you have a pet you really NEED to read this article. Some of the stupid and ridiculous comments at the end will make you see red, like I did, but I didn't dare answer back to any of them or it would soon be a range war!
We also ALWAYS gave our dogs a big bowl of raw, farm fresh milk, as well as a large bowl of water, which we freshened about 4 times daily. If your dog eats outdoors in the summer and the water dish is out there, you may need to put the water dish out only when the animals are nearby and ready to drink, because the water tends to attract little bugs. Right now, our area of the country is absolutely LOADED down with pine pollen and pine tree "dust" too, so I only put out the water bowl when our dog is up on the back deck and ready to eat and drink.
But most vets will tell you not to give dogs milk. That is just stupid. When I was growing up my grandparents used to have at minimum 3 dogs to help with cattle round-ups, etc. Grampa always fed them in the barn and gave them squirts of milk from their 3 milk cows (kept mostly for the human consumption of their wonderful, raw fresh milk). Those dogs loved that milk right straight from the cow while it was still warm.