Or does she just think we're all as stupid as she is?!! What a corncob she is. Dumb as a post. Big tears for "the gov't workers aren't getting paid - boo hoo". She would have a hard time caring any less about this subject, believe me. She is a spiteful, scornful woman who doesn't give two tweets whether or not these people are paid or not paid. After all, as the rest of us have been saying for a month already, these people are "non-essential workers". Nancy has a whooooole bunch of other CONgressidiots singing her tune about how we gotta get them paid before we talk about a wall.
Seems to me we've heard a similar song from her branch before and fell for it (sorry to say) and it didn't make any difference at all that the republicans caved, except that she won the game. I don't know, but I hope Trump doesn't let that happen again. If he doesn't stick to his guns about not giving in until he gets his "wall money" he'll have no leverage at all and America will lose once again. Can't let that happen. Write to your CONgressidiots and tell them to tell Trump to remain strong in this stand against the dimwit dems.
This is very short. Please read!