I was just watching a thing on tv news where they showed "the border" between the USA and Mexico. I was flabbergasted when I saw the outright stupidity of America on display. People in the USA are actually stupid enough to BUILD HOUSES AND OTHER BUILDINGS right up to the fence/wall(?) that occupies the space not 5 feet away. Is this just stupid or what?
Let me ask you something: would you feel safe living in a house that close to the fence (this was a rusted, metal, solid fence with numbers spray painted on it in white, maybe you've seen the photos, too) and does this sort of building madness not just encourage people to try to get across and seek shelter and hiding at these places? Are the people who own or built these houses and buildings participating in the drug running or the human trafficking? Has the CBP checked out every one of these houses on a daily basis to make sure things like that are not happening? OF COURSE NOT. We don't have the manpower to do that, right? Well, there's one of America's first mistakes.
The CONgressdopes should order the destruction of any and all buildings/houses (whatever) within at least 5 miles of the border fencing that is right now is existence and keep that rule for all time. Anything else is just inviting trouble with a capital T.
But that's just my opinion.