he is doing everything he possibly can to undermine the incoming President Trump. biden and his "assministration" never did two licks of work the entire time they were in office that wasn't in poor taste or in the last interests of the American people. What the hell is wrong with that guy? I think his wife is really the one who hates the idea of Trump being our President so she is probably the one pulling the strings of the rest of the dimwit dem officials who have any power left at all. So instead of trying to leave a halfway decent legacy (after fucking up the withdrawl from Afghanistan and many other things) but those people wanted the AMERICAN people to have enough faith in them to vote for them? Are they joking? Thank God we have Trump to look forward to, I'm anxious to see what his people (the ones he's tapped for certain positions) will do once they are officially in office. It's going to be exciting.
biden can try to do whatever he wants to screw up things but Trump will thumb his nose at biden and undo all of the crap he has done.
biden is acting like the child he is. Once an adult, twice a child - - that describes him completely.