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Yesterday 10:53 pm  #1

Dems are already looking for ways to upend a Trump victory

This is not unusual for dimwits like Jamie Raskin.  He's a jerk, to say the very least.  But he also has rocks in his head, just like Adam Schiffty, Schooooooomer, and few more - even Mitch McCONnell from the R side.  These people have not the first friggin' clue how do things the right way, they just want things done THEIR way.  They will ultimately ruin our country if given the opportunity.  WE CANNOT GIVE THEM THAT OPPORTUNITY.

They can make all the noise they want but it really isn't going to matter what THEY want.  A free and fair election must be ensured or these freaks will certainly get their way.  Those people simply refuse to understand the problems with immigration - it's appalling how STUPID they can be.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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