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October 11, 2024 10:08 pm  #1

Helpful holiday tip

I found this hint today and decided to share.  It's so simple you'll wonder why you didn't think of it sooner!!

*******************************************************************Helpful Hint…Cooking Thanksgiving Dinner For A Large Group?If you’re cooking for a large crowd on Thanksgiving, consider cooking two smaller turkeys rather than one large one. It’s easier to manage the cooking time and carving.[url=]More hints & tips

I bought some guinea hens this year and plan to use SOME homemade stuffing (I love using my own combination of spices and dried bread crumbs) and I bought 2 small boxes of Stovetop Herbed Stuffing mix in case I want to mix them together.  2 small guinea hens will feed a good amount of people and the kids will fight over the legs!

I do the same when I buy my Cure 81 hams.  I buy 2 smaller ones, much easier to transport that way because we usually have the holidays at my son's house - - too many  kids to have them all down here in my tiny little house.  No room to set up card tables in the colder months.  During the summer months we often have get togethers outside either on the back deck with card tables for the kids, or outside in the driveway. 

You can also cook the turkey the day before but that's a pain in the ass when it comes to trying to make the gravy. 

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

October 11, 2024 10:15 pm  #2

Re: Helpful holiday tip

And yes, I actually put the stuffing INSIDE the bird, they might scare some people into not doing that but they aren't going to take away a tradition my family has been doing since 1911.  If you clean the inside of the bird with salt first, you'll never have a problem.  It's like rinsing your mouth with salt water for a sore throat, it helps kill off any germs you might actually believe are there, whether they are actually there or not. 

This whole bird flu thing should never be blames on poultry, but it's been so misconstrued people just don't grasp reality anymore.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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