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October 11, 2024 12:01 am  #1

Trump has just GOT to stop doing stuff like this!

The dimwit dems (even some of them are my friends!) just continue to misinterpret everything he says.  I received an email this morning from some snowbird friends who are dems and they honestly believe that Trump wants to become a dictator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Jack said he reviewed several clips of Trump saying just that but he didn't seem to be able to interpret the fact that Trump meant ON DAY 1 only. 

Still, Trump has simply got to quit saying shit like that because no matter how many ways you try to defend Trump's position, they continue to misconstrue absolutely everything he says.  Especially if it's the least little bit contoversial.

Holy socks!  People can be so FAT with ignorance.

That's why Trump cannot afford to be ignorant!!

There are ACTUALLY people "out there" who believe that Trump wants to be a dictator!!  OMG.  You can't make this stuff up, as they say.... 

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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