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September 29, 2024 12:40 am  #1

DON'T take those "monkeypox" vaccines whatever you do

You can read a shocking analysis of the recently approved vaccine at Children’s Health Defense.I have other information—which doesn’t involve assuming there is a fairy tale virus in the vaccine.Whenever the term “vaccinia virus” comes up as a component of a vaccine, or “smallpox vaccine” is mentioned—and the Monkeypox vaccine has been used as a smallpox vaccine—WATCH OUT.Many years ago, a very reliable medical source told me about the final chapter in the massive WHO smallpox vaccine campaign in Africa, which injected millions of people.A secret meeting of the WHO took place in Geneva. It was decided, at that meeting, to never use that particular vaccine again. Why? Because it caused smallpox.What does that mean? Many interpretations and speculations are possible—since smallpox as a disease is supposedly caused by a virus, which is a fairy tale. But one thing is certain: whatever smallpox actually is, it’s very nasty and deadly.The Monkeypox vaccine is said to contain “vaccinia virus” and it is a smallpox vaccine, and the smallpox vaccine used in Africa was put on the shelf because it was clearly very dangerous.Whenever a virus is mentioned in connection with research in labs, or production of pharma products…the ACTUAL substance(s) is unknown. Who knows what the ignorant researchers are working with?
You'll have to go to the site (Childrens Health Defense) to read about it some more, since I do NOT pay to subscribe to information online.  How ridiculous.  I like Jon Rappaport but he's not the only game in town and most of them don't have to be paid for in order to read them.  I also do not watch podcasts - EVER.  I just don't.  My computer is always asking me to download some podcast or another but once I download something, I can not find it again, so I've stopped doing that shit.

This is why you should read the old information from Beauchamp where he talks about viruses that cause viruses, and viruses that actually don't even exist as disease.  It's fascinating reading and I have it posted here on this forum somewhere. Do a search.

** This is a pretty good overview but there are others out there that are worth reading, too.  Just do your own search if you don't like this one!

Most vaccines are nothing but HYPE.  And, of course, a way for drug companies to make money.  Now that covid 19 has been proven to be a hoax, the dimwit dems are letting illegal drugs into the country by the pound - - every day, and it only takes the powder of fentanyl the size of a pin head to kill thousands of people.  It is being mixed together massively with prescribed drugs and THAT is the scary part.


A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

September 30, 2024 12:52 am  #2

Re: DON'T take those "monkeypox" vaccines whatever you do

In case you missed the link in the above post, just thought I'd repost it here so you DON'T MISS IT.  We done been lied to once again - and this time the whistleblowers have got the goods and are SHARING it.

They are recommending covid parties like we used to do measles and mumps parties back in the mid 1970's when my first two kids were little, mumps were mostly in the mid to late 1980's to early 1990's with my 3rd kid, so we did it all over again!  It was actually fun and the ones who were supposed to get stuff, got stuff, the others were fine and NO ONE DIED because they were being cared for properly, not like some moronic nursing home creeps and the ridiculously stupid ex-gubner of NY.  NOW the gubner of NY is in trouble (some black guy) for palming money.  IMAGINE THAT!!!!!!!!!!   Politicians and money just naturally go together I guess.  But WE don't have to take that shit.  VOTE TRUMP/VANCE 2024 !!!!!!!!!!!!  That'll stop the steal.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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