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September 20, 2024 4:35 am  #1

Some of the REAL problems with border insecurity & the lies of COMMALA

She is always putting words in Trump's mouth and I hate that because then the people listening to "the news" don't really know what to believe.  She is lying about her own record on this issue by trying to distance herself from the real facts involved.  This is a great article about that.

More info taken from the link above:"In a so-called “fact check” of the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, PolitiFact claimed[/url] that Harris was “correct that Trump helped kill a bipartisan border security bill.” IN FACT, the crux of Harris’ [url=]argument[/url] was that Trump killed the bill because “he preferred to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem.” In reality, Trump [url=]opposed the bill[/url] because it is [url=]laced with loopholes[/url] that codify Biden’s [url=]open border policies[/url]. Hence, [url=]only one[/url] Republican ultimately voted for it. Here’s 20 more examples of PolitiFact shilling for Democrats and liberal positions: 1) [url=]Covid-19 death rate[/url] 2) [url=]Market value of Mar-a-Lago[/url] 3) [url=]Biden’s role in the murder of Laken Riley[/url] 4) [url=]Income taxes paid by illegal immigrants[/url] 5) [url=]Late-term abortions[/url] 6) [url=]Effects of the federal “assault weapons” ban[/url] 7) [url=]Democrat Party’s role in the Ku Klux Klan[/url] 8) [url=]Antifa’s role in the Capitol Hill riot[/url] 9) [url=]Illegal voting by non-citizens[/url] 10) [url=]Impact of Obamacare on Medicare[/url] 11) [url=]Tax rates paid by the wealthy[/url] 12) [url=]Child hunger rates[/url] 13) [url=]Obama’s withdrawal from Iraq[/url] 14) [url=]Arming teachers[/url] 15) [url=]Pace of illegal immigration[/url]" 16) [url=]Crime rates of illegal immigrants[/url] 17) [url=]Twitter misinformation[/url] 18) [url=]mRNA Covid vaccines[/url] 19) [url=]Violent crime trends[/url] 20) [url=]Live birth abortions 

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

September 20, 2024 4:44 am  #2

Re: Some of the REAL problems with border insecurity & the lies of COMMALA

Damn I hate it when I copy and paste stuff and it turns out looking like the crap above, but that's just the way it is.  I don't understand why these places put out FACTS if they don't want us to share them as facts.  Grrrrrrr!

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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September 20, 2024 4:50 am  #3

Re: Some of the REAL problems with border insecurity & the lies of COMMALA

It isn't ALL about border issues, however most of it is.  These people are LOONATICS! 

In the wake of the second assassination attempt against Donald Trump, MSNBC’s Alex Witt asked if the Trump campaign would “tone done the rhetoric, tone down the violence.” IN FACT, the media has incited extreme hatred of Trump by twisting his words in ways that make him look like a racist, anarchist, and dictator. This 4-minute video exposes 9 prime examples of this.

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D–MA) claims that “Donald Trump’s Supreme Court” has forced “doctors to tell women in the middle of a miscarriage that they can’t get the medical care they need because they’re not near enough to death.” 

IN FACT, Warren’s accusation is based on a complaint that the Biden administration rejected. Abortion advocates have a history of falsely blaming abortion restrictions for endangering women while ignoring women killed by abortions.

During the presidential debate, Kamala Harris claimed, “Tim Walz and I are both gun owners. We’re not taking anybody’s guns away.” 

IN FACT, no Democrat President has ever appointed a Supreme Court Justice who ruled that the “right of the people to keep and bear Arms” is actually a right of the people. Instead, they sided with government gun grabbers by arguing that the Second Amendment only applies to National Guard reservists.

Former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) claims that he placed Covid-positive patients into nursing homes based on guidelines from Trump’s federal health agencies.

IN FACT, Cuomo personally turned nursing homes into death traps by forcing them to admit patients with C-19 in clear defiance of federal guidelines, NY law, and known scientific facts. He then falsified the death count by excluding people who caught C-19 in nursing homes but died later in hospitals.

Marc Elias=14px, the Democrat super lawyer who procured=14px the Steele Dossier=14px that falsely accused Trump of colluding with Russia, claims=14px it is a lie that non-citizens vote because “it is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections.” =14px

IN FACT, non-citizens =14pxcan=14px and =14pxdo=14px vote because federal law doesn’t require=14px proof of citizenship to register to vote. As a result, about 2–5 million=14px non-citizens are now illegally registered, half=14px of these people vote, and 73–82%=14px of them vote for Democrats.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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