My Polka Dot Apron

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August 23, 2024 9:50 pm  #1

Classic Vegetarian "meatloaf" recipe

I have been looking everywhere for this recipe and finally found what I think will be close to the one Paul's mom made.  It's been since the early 1970's since I've tasted it so I may not remember too well, but I know hers did not have oatmeal in it (which almost ALL of the recipes I found do) and this one has rice which is a much better option if you ask me.  I would substitute brown rice because I like it better.

I've been using the wrong words in my online search, I guess.  When I finally added the word vegetarian it came up with all kinds of options.  Several of them also used lentils and I HATE lentils (no matter what color they are) so I skipped over those.  This is about as close as I think I'm going to get to what Hope's recipe was like.  I like the fact that it only contains walnuts and cashews although I think I might grind up some pecans to add, as well.  I love pecans!  I did not toast the nuts in the oven first, I just ground them to sort of a medium texture and it worked out fine.  I didn't really want to have the oven going any longer than necessary (we're having some really hot days here right now) and so I skipped that part and just baked the entire loaf when it was ready.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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