My Polka Dot Apron

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August 20, 2024 10:14 pm  #1

social security

The dimwit dems are ALREADY taxing my social security benefits to the tune of $175 each month for medicare I don't even want because it pays for absolutely nothing.  It's a long-time gubmint SCAM, that's what medicare is.  That's why, all day long, I have to put up with calls about signing up for some stupid "advantage plan" and yet when I ask them what it means they hang up on me!!  They have no explanations for any of my other questions either, but I'm just supposed to say yes I want this shit???  They can stick their phones up their asses.

Don't believe everything you read - especially now.  There isn't a state anywhere in the USA that DOESN'T tax social security with medicare costs.   Just TRY to get rid of medicare though, even personally, and they will not let you do it.  Humana is just as bad, they take more money out of my social security money for my prescriptions (I have Humana RX) now than they ever have, but biden is up there preaching how he's lowered prices for Americans.  He's too stupid to know what's actually going on and COMMALA is a raving lunatic idiot who also knows NOTHING.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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