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August 9, 2024 1:14 am  #1

California on the rocks

Don't act surprised, you KNEW this was gonna happen.  We ALL knew this was gonna happen.  It's gonna happen to the entire USA if COMMALA and one- ball Walz have their way !!!!!!!  He'd be a man if he had 2 balls but he doesn't and he doesn't even WANT TO BE A MAN.  What a couple of airheads.  No way can they beat Trump/Vance even if they cheat........

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

August 13, 2024 12:21 am  #2

Re: California on the rocks

More California bullshit to shovel into Gruesome Newsom's face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  He deserves it.  If I were him I'd worry more about border crossings and less about the I-5 PCH where a "flagpole" MIGHT fall down, as if no one would be able to remove it in record time.  Not everyone from CA is as stupid as Newscum would like to think they are. 

I put my flag out every morning and bring it inside every evening before I go to bed unless we have bad weather early enough in the day to bring it in sooner.  NO ONE IS GOING TO TELL ME I CAN'T FLY A FLAG OFF MY BACK DECK nor are they going to tell me I can't have a gun.  They can go F*** themselves.  Around here we NEED guns. FOR LOTS OF REASONS.  Self protection being the greatest reason right now.  Can't wait for the TRUMP/VANCE ticket to get into office.  Won't it be just great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I'm excited for November but please remember NOT TO VOTE EARLY.  ONLY VOTE ON ELECTION DAY.  I heard just today that we have to take proof of citizenship.  How does one go about doing that when we were born here?  I don't have a copy of MY birth certificate anymore, but I suppose I know where to apply to get one, which I'll have to do soon because November 5th is coming up fast, thank GOD!

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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