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July 20, 2024 2:58 am  #1

WHY do they keep her on tv?

I simply do NOT understand why FOX news keeps people like Jessica Tarlov (she's an idiot) on tv, or why do they keep Laura Ingraham who simply WILL NOT let her guests say a word, she's got to be yakking all the time herself, or why do they keep Sean Hannity (same as Laura, same cookie cutter crap on his show where he yaks all the time and doesn't let his guests get a word in edgewise. 

Today on The Five Jessica was ACTUALLY arguing with Judge Jeanine about things concerning the LAW!!!!???  It was just incredible.  That nimrod actually thinks she knows more about things having to do with our country and it's laws than a JUDGE.  It's just mind-boggling.  Ditto for Brian Kilmeade, "Mr. I slur my words as if I'm drunk even at 4 in the morning".  I cannot STAND that dood.

Get rid of those 4 people and I might actually start watching FOX again more often.

Tarlov is also one of those people who wants to keep biden in the presidential race even if  he has to speak at a microphone while laying on a gurney.  They don't care about the people, they only care about the MONEY.  I think tarlov just had a baby so i'm sure she needs the money.  People like her do not care about the price of food or the price of gas or the millions of dangerous illegals crossing our southern border (and even those coming in through our NORTHERN borders).


A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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