My Polka Dot Apron

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July 20, 2024 12:35 am  #1

German Chocolate cake & frosting

I don't LOVE coconut (rubbidy we called it when I was a kid) so I only make 1/2 the frosting recipe and I make the cake in a 9 x 13 pan. But the frosting for a German Chocolate Cake just isn't the same without it, for sure.

I get those nice grayish colored non-stick pans from the grocery (or Walmart) made by Wilton (a 9x13 is about $15 right now, used to be $8) but at least they have a nice plastic cover which helps keep things from drying out.  I spray with a little Pam and we're good to go, or I coat it with coconut oil (even tho it's non-stick you will find this a necessary step).   Also, even with a plastic cover on the pan I always cover the pan first with a layer of aluminum foil.  I just do, that's how I was raised to ensure freshness and moistness for a longer period of time.  Towards last, I store the whole thing in the fridge.

My family prefers the chocolate cake recipe off of the Hershey's Cocoa Powder can - it is a RICH DARK CHOCOLATE CAKE and my grandbabies ate a whole cake one day almost before it was cool.  That's what happens when you have 12 grandbabies!

**Their dad, my son, told me today that when they started having a "food fight" with the cake because no one was getting as much as they wanted, he took it away and he and Jess at least got to taste it!  But then they split up the rest into equal portions for the kids and put it on paper plates and made them go outside with it.  Then, apparently, the dogs and cats got in on the act, as well.  Those poor kids just couldn't win.  So I baked another cake and told   them if they want more cake they have to come to MY house, sit down at the table a few at a time, (my table only seats 5) and they can have the whole damned cake, I don't care.  They love the German Sweet Chocolate Cake I make, AND the Hershey Chocoalte Cocoa Cake with the Brown Sugar Frosting, some of them can't decide.  So sometimes, if I have enough energy of my own and can actually MOVE without pain, AND depending on what my natural gas bill was from the previous month (running my oven is NOT cheap anymore, thank you dumbass Joe) I make both of them BUT they must come to my house to eat it!  Pretty sneaky of me, huh??!!

This country has LNG and petrol oil and gas coming out of its ears but biden won't let us use it, he'd rather BUY IT (with your social security money and mine, never his own) from Venezuala and other far off places where it needs to be transported to our shores, upping the price SOME MORE.  God that man is without a conscience and without a functional brain.

Last edited by Debrah (July 20, 2024 10:26 pm)

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

July 21, 2024 4:36 am  #2

Re: German Chocolate cake & frosting

There are a ton of comments and questions at the bottom of that recipe (the one above) and someone asked what to do if you're our of buttermilk.  Another lady said to mix milk and vinegar and you'll get buttermilk.  Actually, that's not true.  If you mix milk and vinegar you will get SOUR milk, not buttermilk.  Butternilk is what is left after you churn your own butter, which few people do anymore.  I do it occasionally (I have a local guy I buy raw milk from) and my family grew up on raw milk so there are lots of little hints like that if you have the right background.  I tried to answer that person but that comment section on the page with the recipe for the German Chocolate Cake is not easy to control.  I clicked where it told me to "reply" but then it shot me to the bottom of the WHOLE PAGE and I never could find that post again.  That's disgusting.  I tried to post it somewhere else but it simply wouldn't let me.  It did not say the comments were closed so I don't know what the deal was. 

The lady who runs that recipe blog needs to get busy and make adjustments.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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