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July 17, 2024 11:12 pm  #1

I'm opening a new topic

Now that we have some HOPE for the future of the USA, I'm opening a new topic because now not ALL of our political systems are actually going to be BROKEN anymore!   YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was heartily rooting for JD Vance (which you can tell if you read any of my other articles here concerning him).  Just do a search and you will be able to find them.  I also loved the speeches from just ordinary people at least nights RNConvention.  The black woman who gave the last speech from private citizens NOT IN POLITICS was just wonderful and so was Sarah Huckabee Sanders.  There have been many terrific speakers so far and Trump, as always, has been very gracious and supportive of all of them.  The USA is finally coming out of it's slumber of the past 3 1/2 years where NOTHING is affordable anymore.  I've had to drop my Rx humana plan because it's no longer a savings for me to have it (meds are goddamned expensive and since my stroke I have to take 3 new ones I never took before) and I'm considering getting rid of medicare.  I keep getting constant calls (and I always hang up!!) from all the "healthcare benefits places" and I'm just so totally not interested anymore especially if it's some gubmint supported nonsense.  Believe me when I tell you the gubmint is going to do NOTHING FOR YOU under this current lamebrain assministration.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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