My Polka Dot Apron

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July 14, 2024 10:58 pm  #1

5 recipes for infused water

To help you stay hydrated on these HOT summer days.  I'm not a fan of summer, so I make a lot of limeade/cherry drinks using canned dark sweet cherries and sliced limes (or lemons if I don't have limes on hand).  My friend Beth always quarters her fruit but I like mine to be sliced.  Not sure it matters but it's a personal thing.

Also, peaches aren't in season very long and are certainly not available in my area for long, so I rarely use them in drink recipes.  I have tried apples in drink recipes but I don't like them and they can be rather tasteless, sort of like adding a sponge to your water!  I have Sjogren's Syndrome so I drink LOTS of water (but I only get up once in the night to pee, YAY!).  My feet only swell in the highest of heat indexes (like this past week) so I use a lot of lemons and pee constantly during the daytime!  Limes do the same, pretty much.  Oranges, not really.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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