. . . holds up a sheet sign which says "We love terrorists"???????????????????????????
One of today's idiotic college kids who knows nothing about the world or what America has been through in the past 200+ years. They only know they're being PAID to do this so they want the money so they'll hold up a sign that says ANYTHING on it. Anything at all, they don't care because they don't know any better. They've been to college but they know NOTHING. Most of them should never have graduated from high school much less college. I only remember college from the days when I went to college and the campus never would have tolerated this kind of crap. Us "mean girls" fought dirty. We scratched and pinched and bit and pulled hair, etc., but we did NOT use guns or any other type of "weapon". And now these idiotic kids are ASKING for terrorists in this country? They know NOT what they say. But why would anything think they do?
Our leader doesn't know anything either. He's as dumb as a box of rocks. I'm talkin about ol joe dumbass.