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FOR YEARS. The mexicans who were allowed into the USA (illegally or otherwise back in the mid 1980's and upwards) have been growing MJ in NATIONAL PARKS in California for YEARS AND YEARS. The mexicali's have been growing MJ in Sequoia National Park for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. It extended over into NV (up by South Lake Tahoe and Winnemucca and in that area).
NONE OF THAT IS NEWS, or at least if you've been paying attention it shouldn't be news. I heard them talking about this subject this morning on some ridiculous tv show where they had an interview with someone who had absolutely NO CLUE what they were talking about. Let's stop pretending ANYONE from the current assministration knows their ass from any hole in the ground because they don't.
We also routinely went through the Upper Lake Tahoe Area where Reno is located. I would love to have lived there at one time, but not now.
I know that area very well, having been through there countless times on our way to CA when I went to Jr. High School in Los Angeles. We used to stop often also in Carson City and that area (where I learned all about playing KENO even though I wasn't old enough to actually play).
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