Now the biden family is trying to blame Trump for hunter's criminal woes. I mean, really? You've just got to be kidding. They are simply trying to shift the blame to a different person and almost anyone will do but they've landed on Trump and Trump's boys. Also the gun charges as well as the non-payment of hunter's taxes will be the focus of this absurd charge against Trump and family.
Boy, those biden's will try ANYTHING to escape having to take responsibility for their own misdeeds. The public can see right through this like a lace curtain, but too many of them band together and pretty soon it almost sounds believable, just like the way hunter wouldn't take responsibility for the laptop OR the marijane found at the white house even though we ALL know it was his.
This is incredibly stupid of the biden family if they actually want to win the election in 2024 because people are sick of them never facing up to their responsibilities and the fact that the dimwit dems think people are buying this load of crap.
No link, just something I heard on tv but it's all true. Just like the stupid republicans who wouldn't charge Mayorkas with a bunch of KNOWN crimes against humanity. WTH is going on with our party, anyway?? Are they really stupid enough to want to have to salute the red flag every morning and do drill marches daily??? No matter your age, you would have to do these things and joe couldn't take it for one day much less one week. OR FOREVER MORE !!! Well, that would be one way we could get rid of that dumb bastard.