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November 8, 2023 12:53 am  #1

You simply will NOT believe this garbage

Using a faggot like butthead to make his case????  Biden better learn to pick better "leaders" if he wants to make any progress at all.  Gays and lesbo's make up what, about 10% of the voting bloc????  Oh puhleeze butthead, whine a little louder because none of the truly AMERICAN PEOPLE give a damn about your family woes.  You publicly went forward with your ridiculous breastfeeding crap as if we were supposed to think of that as something "normal".  Well it's only normal if you think Pete butthead and his "wife" are NORMAL.  Did I make that clear enough???

And the very LAST THING butthead better be talking about is our Christian beliefs.  He wouldn't know a church if it slid off the side of a hill and stopped right in front of his vehicle (he rides a BIKE, doncha know!!!).  MY ass he rides a bike we all saw that fake video too.  He puts the bike in his trunk, gets 1/2 block from the WH and then takes the bike out and rides it the last 1/2 block.  What a complete and utter jackass.  The sooner we get rid of people like this airhead, the better off we're all gonna be.  I doubt very much if Trump would appoint anyone as stupid as good ol' Petey boy.  I hope he gets his fake tits caught in the wringer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And yes, let him continue to whine as long and as loud as he wants because that's typical behavior for his type.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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