The very last sentence in this article is specifically the reason why I don't send money to any of these places "begging for dollars". Hell, I survive on social security so don't give me the old song and dance about being broke. I know that song all too well.
Why are leftists having such a fit about all of this??? So she waited until now to give Trump her endorsement, so what?? We're still a year away from elections for God's sake. Asa Hutchinson should be dropping out of the race entirely and he knows it because his polling numbers are at 0.0%. But he still thinks he has a chance to be President? Under the table he supports biden, you can bet your bippy on that. At this point I really don't understand why ANYONE would support the biden crime family but there it is. Stupidity on display. He has, however, lost the majority of black voters and migrant voters. I don't think he truly understands anything that's going on because he's in such a fog (drugged up??) all the time. When he gives speeches I change the tv channel or turn off the tv because I can't understand a word he says because his teeth won't stay in his head and he slurs something awful. Not a great sign of strength if you ask me.